A Month of May

I wanted to record some Highlights of May. Things I did, stuff I got, places I visited. Next month I might do bi-weekly updates. I don’t think I can remember everything I did in a month, but for now here is what I did in May.

  1. Dyed My Hair Harley Quinn styleI ask you guys to help me vote for a new hair color & you guys choose this set. It’s been a month since I’ve had it now & it’s faded pretty well. I love how it came out & it’s been really fun. I might go another vote for my next hair color.

  2. Went to Lovue LaunchI was invited by Cupidrop & Louve to Louve Launch party. It was a private blogger event, that was hosted the day before the store opened. I was a really nice event, there was food, champagne & lots of new product testers to test. I had the best time eating, drinking & testing all the products I’ve been eyeing. They even gave us a box of free goodies, a $50 coupon for a restaurant & 20% everything in the store. So purchased a few things before I went home.


  3. Ulta Shopping
    Went to Ulta a few times this month or last month, but here are things I’ve picked up. I got the Chi hair straightener on super clearance for $25 & it came with a holo bag. I also found models own, which I’ve heard of but never tried, I go there highlight palette (I’ve yet to use it) Also found a new brand called Lottie London that make start, moon & heart stamp liners. I’ve been loving them so much. Also got their holo gloss called shade, but it’s a bit dark & I can’t seem to use it as a topper.

  4. Mother’s Day
    Husband & I got mom a Micheal Kor bag (discounted at TJmaxx) but she ended up returning it for a different style (which I knew she was gonna do, so prepared a gift receipt) Then, visited Grandma & got her a plotted purple orchard from Costco (my aunt & mom complained that it was overpriced.) In my opinion, they were comparing to the ones they get, that are small, in plastic bins & only has one plant. Mine had two plants, purple & white & they plant had like 5 buds, but hey, You can’t win with Asain when it comes to dollar signs.(I don’t take photos of things I do for others, so no photos of the bag, but The flowers were in my nails photo, so I’m putting it up.) Grandma like it though. I also got prepacked baklava from Costco to share with the family, the elders complain it was too sweet & it kinda was and it was so hard, never get baklava from Costco.

  5. Room Organizing & DIY
    Decided I need more table space & plants. I went to TJmaxx, dollar tree & HomeGoods to find some plants & decor to add to my new table setup. I used loose tiles I found around my house & placed them on top of a table, then added plants & rearranged everything. Made a couple of DIY items, which I have the tutorial up for the flower bouquet.

  6. City Date with Hubby – Lunch
    So few weeks after the Louve launch, Hubby & I decided to go on a city date & use up that $50 coupon to the restaurant called Don Bogam. While there we went to so many places. We walked all over k-town & union square. Don Bogam was the nicest restaurant we’ve been too in a while. The food was really good & the decor in the place was so fancy. I want to go back to eat the beef tartar bowl again. It was sooo good. My mouth just watered. I’ve eaten food in Korea, Seoul & JeJu island. This place really compares! So happy to be able to find a place that serves beef tartar like JeJu.

  7. City Date with Hubby & Shopping, Lovue, H-mart(K-supermarket), Amazon bookstore, Uniqlo & Innisfree
    Husband & I went to Lovue store & I picked up a bottle of Pyunkang Yul Cleanser because the prince was good, a huge bottle & I tested it & loved it. Also, stopped by the Amazon bookstore to look at some art books, saw there was a cafe in it! Guess where I’ll be going next time. Uniqlo was right next door & was having an event for the new Doraemon line & Shonen Line. I didn’t get anything because all the Tshirt I wanted wasn’t in my size. & I didn’t get the Doraemon doll because I had a $10 off $50 but I had nothing to high the mark, so maybe next time. I won pocky though. They have a sandbag game outside Uniqlo, get 2 in for pocky, 3 in for tote. I was happy for the pocky. 😀 Than went to get drinks at Hmart, got this green grade juice with lost of plup, which I had a can of sparkling water, it was so sweet. After we walked down to union square to the Innisfree store. I wanted this glitter liner but they only have that in Korea, so I got a new custom makeup palette & a blush. My husband got a Hallabong candle to remind us of Korea. When we went to Jeju, we purchase a room diffuser in this scent. The scent now always reminds of Korea, I’m only made that this candle was so pricey & burns so fast. The diffuser is pricey too.

  8. TJmaxx & Homegoods Shopping
    Here are some of my Tjmaxx buys this month. There are probably some more stuff that I missed, but next month I’ll do a better join at listing them. Gots a Anna sui Perfume set I was eyeing. Found a lovely smelling candle on clearance. Some table decor at homegoods.

  9. Playing Pokemon Go with My Dog
    Took my dog on long walks to play some pokemon Go. (yes, he is pooping in that photo with my phone) Happy to finally getting back into it. This months weather has been sucky, raining so much. So it was nice to be able to talk long walks. I also took my camera out to take some scenery photos. I hope this summer I can walk all over the city & pokemon go again. It’s so fun. I never go to the city, if I don’t have plans, but pokemon go gives me a good excuse to just go outside.

Cousin’s Graduation Award Ceremony
Cousin is graduating from High School. So proud of him. He even got into the college of this first choice. However, since he doesn’t have enough tickets for his graduation. (Big Asian family problems) He invited my husband & me to his award ceremony. My aunt then took us all out to dinner. It was a nice way to end the month of May.

Other random foods I ate this month, homemade or restaurant: Korean honey garlic BBQ wings in k-town, 2 plates of homecooked steaks, Acai bowl from Costco & poke bowl from Hawaii Poke.

Other random things I purchased this month: Biore UV rich was on my repurchase list because it’s been so long since I’ve tried it. Also, Atopalm, maker of Real Barrier brand, sent us the wrong item for a 08L campaign. So, I got belly cream now.