DIY: $5-$10 Dollar Tree Flower Bouquet (Easy)


This tutorial was inspired by my trip to home goods over the weekend. I was trying to some nature elements to my photo setup & vanity area, because who doesn’t love seeing some pretty colors. However, find the right flower & plants that I liked that wasn’t expensive was hard, yes home good is already fairly cheap when it comes to home decor. I usually will find & buy really unique pieces there, but for pieces that are so simple like a flower in a glass vase or flowers in a simple pot, costing about $15-$30. Do we really need to spend more money on it than real flowers?

I thought to myself, fake flowers are everywhere, dollar store, Micheals & are usually fairly cheap. So I set out on a quest to Dollar tree, my local dollar store to pick up some supplies to see if I can something similar or better. I found that I can make something nice with about $10 or less with supplies left over too. There are two versions you can make, but I am only showing one because this is what I used. Instead of rocks, pebbles & glue, I used floral gels. The floral gels are beads that whole a ton of water but they will dry up after awhile, but you can soak them back up with water. This means that you can reuse this setup & change the flowers whenever you are bored of them. Add new flower, take away, anything. totally usable customizable. You can also use real flowers, mix & match real & fake if you the mood suits you.



Things you will need:

  • Must have:
    • 2-3 Flower bundles of your choice ($1 each at Dollar Tree)
    • 1 Ivy or leaf bundles of your choice ($1 each at Dollar Tree)
    • 1 Vase ($1 each at Dollar Tree)
    • 1 bottle of any color floral gel ($1each at Dollar Tree)
  • Stuff you might have at home:
    • 1 Wire Cutter (for cutting flowers wire branches)
    • 1 Scissor (for opening packages & cutting labels)
  • Optional
    • 1 Bowl (I got mine at Tjmaxx for $5 last summer)
    • 1 Bag of Sand ($1 at Dollar Tree. If you choose to layer the vases)

Step by Step:

  • First take your bottle of floral gel & vase. Pour in all or as much as you need, into the vase.
  • Take the flowers, pull the wire stems from the main stalk.
  • Take your wirecutter (not scissors, they will break) cut near where it is attached to the main stalk.
    • The longer the wire stem is the more you can trim & play with its length, & depending on the height of your vase, you might need all that length.
  • Do this to all the flowers & leaves bundles so they will be ready for you to arrange them.
  • Start placing the flowers first into the gel & repeat until you get a pattern you like & trim as you need to create a rounded look. Center flowers should be longer, while flowers to the edge & side should be shorter.
    • Have fun with this part & let your creative energy flow. Don’t worry about right or wrong, because there is none. Just do it until it looks good to you.
  • You can add leaves to the side, by bending the leave stems near where the leave sits, into a 1 or 7 shape & hooking them to the edge of the bowl. I put 1 on each side of the bowl.
    • Bending them will make the leaves flow downwards like how they naturally do.
  • Once done you will have this.


If you like the look you can stop there. However, I had a bowl that I love & wanted to add to this look. So I added some green sand to the bowl & set the vase with flowers into it. This gives the bouquet a more personalize & expressive look. You can use any style of bowl, colored sand, glitter or whatever you like to add some flair.


Together this is how the end results look like. You can mix & match so much with this, rather than being stuck with one premade bouquet that is glued down.

Tips: Making it look real.

  • try to pick flowers that look real from far away. If you stand across the store & you cant tell they are fake.
  • but also close up you can’t see the fabric & threads. You want it to look good in pictures for away or up close.
  • choose flowers with a bit of realistic pattern that a flower might have.
  • Don’t pick flowers that are oddly colored. Like a green daisy or a purple ivy leaf. (unless you love it & don’t care)
  • Just have fun & don’t break the bank making decor. Pick what you like, even if it’s that the green daisy.


I hope you enjoyed this, as much as I did making it. It was fun, cheap & now my vanity is more lively. Thank you for reading this far!

Much love,
