Osulloc Green Tea “Sejak”


Before I go into the review for this green tea, I want to share my experience with Osulloc when I went to Jeju, Korea. I was fortunate to visit Jeju with my Husband. We stayed with his friend who was a born native of Jeju Island & was able to show us most of Jeju. One of which is the Osulloc Museum & their green tea fields. The Museum is only on Jeju island, however, you can visit their chain stores in Seoul Korea and I think around other parts of Korea too.


At the Musem, they have a cafe & shop where you can order drinks & cakes, all made with their teas. They have a special orange that only grows on Jeju, which they call Hallabong. It’s very sweet orange which uses many ways, one of which are preserved orange slices, making almost like a orange candy. Which they add to drinks and other things. The most popular drinks to try at Osulloc, are their Hallabong drink and green tea matcha drink. As well as their matcha cakes.

I personally love their tea blends. One of which I purchased before coming back to the states, called “wedding tea blend”. It had the most beautiful flavor EVER. It was floral but fruity & it just tasted pretty. It made me feel pretty everytime I drank it. I even saved one last pouch for my wedding day, luckily I got married within the following year. So, I was able to savor that tea on my wedding night. Sadly, I do not have to know where I stuffed my photo them, however, I have seen them on Amazon for extremely overpriced. So I was sooooo soooo happy to found out from 08L that they were doing a campaign with them because Osulloc has never exported out of Korea before & have finally decided to branch out a global market. I was this close to spending that $40 just to get another box of wedding tea. Sadly, I won’t be able to get that tea soon, but I’m hopeful they will bring all or most of their collection, but for now, I am grateful to even just try their regular green teas.


Company About:

Osulloc was founded in 1979 & a under the company Amore Pacific. They grown their own green tea on the island of Jeju, which has an inactive volcano, which said to bring a rich soil, clear water & the best & purest quality in anything grown on this land.

Product About:

The Sejak tea is picked around the 20th of April, which tea-masters carefully handpick, blend & roast the young tea leaves. Sejak is said to be the favorite tea of Korean people.

Testing Period:

I received this from 08L Try now campaigns for $3.99. I received it yesterday, but have experience with the company on my own while in Korea and I already brew 3 cups of this green tea since. I’m probably gonna run out and cry, but it’s so good.


The Osulloc box has a high-quality feel, that has a beautiful minimal design while carrying a bright green color that almost indicates the color of the tea. The box has English & Korean on opposite sides. The same theme on the pouches. The top slides off revealing 10 pouches of pyramid shaped tea sachets. There is more info on the bottom of the box, but all in Korea, including the expiration date. My only complaint is that I think the sachets are too small & doesn’t give the tea enough room to move around, because the leaves end up filling the bag completely, but this might not affect flavor, but it is pretty to look at.


Sejak Tea:

The color of this tea is a bright yellow-green, the leaves are bright green and are very broken & loose. The Sejak is a bit paler & more yellow compared to other green teas and the smell is very unique. It has a very earthy scent to it, taste of roasted nuttiness with a hint of earthiness. It has a smooth taste in the mouth & a slightly bitter aftertaste, but that’s only if you leave the bag in too long. It doesn’t taste exactly like most green teas. It has the same quality as most green teas that you’re used too, but it has a distinct taste & smell that once you drink it, it leaves an impression. I think it has to do with the soil it’s grown in, I feel like I can taste the volcanic qualities in the leaves itself. When I first drank this after 2 years. My brain took me back to Korea, it was how the green tea tasted than and there. I honestly can’t compare this green tea to other once, even ones from Japan. My only complaint is that tea flavors fade out after 2 steeps, which is normal for some green teas. I wish I could get 3-4 steeps, but the taste is dramatically lessened at steep 3. It just saddens me because it’s a pricey tea, I want to make each bag last as long as possible.


Yes, I like this green tea. I love their other blends and I want to try more of their specialty tea & blends. I’ve already purchased another flavor on 08L app. They currently still have a campaign up. But I’m still going to find that wedding tea & Hallabong tea blend one day, but I refuse to pay an arm & leg on Amazon. Osulloc tea brand isn’t the cheapest, to begin with, but if you want to spoil yourself once in awhile & know something who is a tea lover. These make great gifts. I personally wish I had purchased more tea before leaving Korea, but I was broke from purchasing so much cosmetics at Myeongdong.

website: http://www.osulloc.com/kr/en

Here is the drink menu: http://www.osulloc.com/kr/en/shop/item/teahouse

Bestsellers: http://www.osulloc.com/kr/en/shop/item/list/weekly

Museum Map: http://www.osulloc.com/kr/en/museum/map

Disclaimer: Not sponsored unless stated, but always honest reviews.